Thursday, November 20, 2008

still unanswered.

OKAY! so i'm back here, now. thanks sam d for the past 2 and a half days. your house is probably the last house i can stay over at cos my mum's making noise already. tsk.
it's been fun..and interesting. i like your house btw. HAHA. and, i still can't tell your two brothers apart.
word of caution: staying up with demello equals to having to be whacked at alot of places. hmm.

it's just so great to wake up nowadays, knowing that there's nothing, no backload in front of you, and that the whole day is just there for you to waste away. last time we had no time, now we have all.

best wishes everybody, all the best in future endervours.

this time we really said goodbye, now what? fuck. i feel like a bitch. did i do the right thing?
so which path am i supposed to take now? just so unanswered things.
and that didn't make things any better.

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