Saturday, June 28, 2008

boredd. reading mds is shat. i want to give up already. so many more acts. *faints* i shouldn't even bother. think i'll stop.
dee is like having school from 9-5? wth. you suck, school. he's not concentrating! dee, concentrate! RAWR.
yeah. going swimming later. i've given up on studies. phuck them. simin's right.
they ain't everything. waste 20+ of your life for shit? study? to get a job later?
no thanks. i'd rather go live in countries like philippines, go back to payatas. you'll see true meaning of life. true meaning of happiness. no money, no pain, no backstabbing,no rat race, no damn psps and what fancy shit we have. christ, if we even get our fancy butts out of the country to some poverty-sticken ones, not milan or america, maybe we'll find real truth. not gucci bags, armani clothes.
damn, give those poor kids a pair of bells, they smile and sing for the rest of the week. a bell. just a bell. that's all you need. us? heck, give a spoilt 8 yr old an iphone. see if he'll be happy 3 months down the road.
feeling damn shit now. where's home? this? here? yea, right, not in a thousand years. sigh.
i was scaring dee yesterday by being all pessimist, by saying i wanna die, disappear from the face of the world. go back to daddy god. not like i'll be missed here. it'll probably be a shit load better life for everyone. no more troubles from me. gahh. i still think it's true. if i actually had guts, i'd jump. but jumping is for cowards. so whatever.

ps: dee, i know its not friday or tuesday and i can't emo. so yea, you can punish me then.

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