Thursday, July 31, 2008
okay i know i haven't blogged like in ages, but what the hell. nowadays i wished i never got the call from ngee ann, or went for the intereview. it keeps replaying over in my head, over and over. i wished i'd get in. who doesn't. thing is, can i? kapoosh. bloody hell.
life sucks. studying time has to be doubled.everyone around me is studying. god, are they for real. i guess i'm just not disciplined enough. i really wanna double up and seriously just purge whatever i know out. life is crazy. everday the count down gets lower, and with each passing secons, the blade on my neck swings more precariously every second. just kill me. get it over and done with. damn you, school. damn you, studies.
my messages have not exceeded. neither has my phone been in use. aside from replying random messages, i ain't got no one to text. it's annoying. my usuals either blow their limit, or are jsut too damn busy. i hate singlehood. damn. right, starting to emo again. f.
i miss breaking. haven't broke in ages. that's what life steals from you. pfft. that is, if you call this life. right now, it's shit. dung. faeces.
life sucks. studying time has to be doubled.everyone around me is studying. god, are they for real. i guess i'm just not disciplined enough. i really wanna double up and seriously just purge whatever i know out. life is crazy. everday the count down gets lower, and with each passing secons, the blade on my neck swings more precariously every second. just kill me. get it over and done with. damn you, school. damn you, studies.
my messages have not exceeded. neither has my phone been in use. aside from replying random messages, i ain't got no one to text. it's annoying. my usuals either blow their limit, or are jsut too damn busy. i hate singlehood. damn. right, starting to emo again. f.
i miss breaking. haven't broke in ages. that's what life steals from you. pfft. that is, if you call this life. right now, it's shit. dung. faeces.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
i'm sitting in class now. a math. with chee sian here. we are holding a bitching session about the fucking pretty kratos. lol. she's so fucking annoying. cheese was telling me how she always ditched her and stuff. geez. such a bitch exists. she thinks she's bloody pretty who keeps looking at the mirror. hello la, her bird's nest hair so damn ugly, no friends still can ditch cheese. poor cheese. omg. feel bloody pissed now. everyone is so scared of her, she's a bloody prev. stop touching me, or simin, or yourself, for that matter. you gross pig.i may not know you well, but the time i spent with you, you're weird. like seriously. gahh. cheese doesn't deserve a friend like you luhh. pfft. i don't want to see your face during a math. get lost. RAWR, a math, i'm illegally using the com now and i'm staring at a pink screen. -.- HAW.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i got nothing to blog. pfft. lit lecture was okay. i got home late. dpa is stressful. i can't wait. now i feel tired, and i don't know why. i'm blogging in a weird way, i don;t know why. i seem to be writing in a poetic flow, but i don't relly care.
lit analysis is pits, only two in the level got a. you can go and die o's, i hate you. my life is the pits know, i am sad. come back, life, and i shall love you again.
gosh. thats a CRAP post.
lit analysis is pits, only two in the level got a. you can go and die o's, i hate you. my life is the pits know, i am sad. come back, life, and i shall love you again.
gosh. thats a CRAP post.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
okay since shaggy says my blog and it's so NOT, i shall blog a quickie.
i can't let my blog die lest BEAR will be very happy -.-
oh wells. been really busy lately.
i got a call on thursday from ngee ann, saying that my application for DPA has been shortlisted and i have an interview tmr.
it's sickening they gave it to me over the weekends cos that means ionly have one and a half school days to get things prepared, which is C-R-A-Z-Y.
rahhhh! i'm wasted my friday and my weekend, TOTALLY on DPA. it's like crazy. i really hope i get in. i so want to badly. mass comm, open your doors to sandra!!!
okay i gtg now.
i can't let my blog die lest BEAR will be very happy -.-
oh wells. been really busy lately.
i got a call on thursday from ngee ann, saying that my application for DPA has been shortlisted and i have an interview tmr.
it's sickening they gave it to me over the weekends cos that means ionly have one and a half school days to get things prepared, which is C-R-A-Z-Y.
rahhhh! i'm wasted my friday and my weekend, TOTALLY on DPA. it's like crazy. i really hope i get in. i so want to badly. mass comm, open your doors to sandra!!!
okay i gtg now.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i think it's a miracle. i've attended school for a week. without ponning. woo hoo! HAHA. yea i'm trying to not pon la. trying to make use of whatever available time i have. it struck me today that i only have 89 days. that's not alot. okay. panic button is on. geez. for once today, in chinese, there wasn't noise and shouting, there was actually silence, everyone was studying. and this is freaking me out. i was so tired, i slept. pfft. looks like i'm really gotta buck up. mm. other than that, life was pretty much the same. shankar didn't come so lesson was free and lecture cancelled. big gorilla was making the whole class pissed at her again by saying we were mocking by giving her a "cynical greeting". like wth. everyone was dead man. and she said she didn't deserve it. like hell she doesn't. lousy ass bytch. can't teach for nuts. admire christabel for having the guts to retort the gorilla. woo hoo.
bio had stephanie tryna blow up the lab and kill us all. geez. good luck to her tmr man.
suprise. i'm not ponning tmr. downloading some dance vids to my x-fi now. gonna met calvin right about now, to study?? hopefully.
bio had stephanie tryna blow up the lab and kill us all. geez. good luck to her tmr man.
suprise. i'm not ponning tmr. downloading some dance vids to my x-fi now. gonna met calvin right about now, to study?? hopefully.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
today we went... SHOPPING. yes yes we bought many many clothes and stuff. mostly we just had alot of fun, crapping. what lizardcitis la, and demented elmos, oh gosh, it was just so hilarious. then we started cam whoring in like pepper lunch, when it was dim and all. we were like copying HJP's poses, which turned out oh so gross. HAHA. here were some.
time to eat!
EXTRA PARTY -> the pontianak.
well apparently, after pepper lunch, having refueled our energy, we were in cam whorig mood. we friggin stood in front of taka, in front of everybody, at the fountain,. which is ALOT, and starting taking retarded pictures. here's proof.
the black skinnys with pumps threesome.
lizard group and the jungle keeper (huiying)
well. simin's feeling a lil' short.
in fact, i couldn't see her.
bernice tower, small dingy, sandra tower.
obviously bad imitation of simin's kutchipatchi mouth. =3=
Huiying's favourite, ARMPIT POWER.
after satisfying our cam whoring nature, we headed down to far east, for bernice to get her stupid hair extensions. seeing she had 4 bodyguards, who were plain bored, we started cam whoring again. pfft. all these with 2 juniors spying on us outside, though for no apparent reason.
don't know what they were talking about.
toture tray, with the stupid hair, which gives me the creeps.
feels like i'm in a stupid creepy dollhouse.

proof. it's like an insane hair palace, or a shrine for all the chucky-like dolls.

proof. it's like an insane hair palace, or a shrine for all the chucky-like dolls.
those who watched chucky, would know what i mean.
i'm sorry i haven't been bloggin recently. been busy laaa. for starters, i bought a new pm4 from creative. yay. super happy. i wasted one whole day till 4 am tryna download stuff in, cos it pissed me off. oh wells. i'm still tryna download my vids in. rawr. oh! softball! we played softball for pe! like totally finally man. rawr. OH! and lydia so kindly decorated my ball. it's like my baobei now. i love it. thanks lydia. it's my own personalised ball! whee. next, i have to get a bat! HAHA.
pretty pretty. i love clouds.
they're such a pure represantation of life.
they're such a pure represantation of life.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
today was a very long day. rawr. alright. short update. today was mock spa. for skill three. oh well.s i was bored. so i took pictures, at the risk of karen leong seeing luh. lmao.anyway ss was damn funny. we were supposed to do like source based but we kept crapping with mrs tham. lol. she kept saying she was hoping to be pregnant due to abdominal pains, but we kept saying she had appendicitis instead. scared her shitless. funny. math was revolting as usual. llk is a damn GOOD teacher. ended up playing gay wen's psp instead. lol. i sucked badly at whatever i was playing. -.-
after school rushed down to tkgs for c div's softball match. it was funny cos. the juniors were really damn hyped up. they were fed with red bull and 100 plus. there was seriously like 4 cartons. and they were damn high. -.- they were all so cam whoring that in the middle of the picture, the bench broke!! haah it was super funny. lmao. mm. sasha didn't even know i came down till much later. rawr. pfft. anyways, it was a damn close fight, but we lost to them by one point, which has NEVER happened before. good, considering tkgs is a really strong team where alot of national softballers come from. alot of funny pictures. later. the bus ride home took two effing hours. pissed the shit out of me. remind me never to go katong ever again. some idiot kept whining over practically nothing too. ass. gonna go eat now. chow time.
after school rushed down to tkgs for c div's softball match. it was funny cos. the juniors were really damn hyped up. they were fed with red bull and 100 plus. there was seriously like 4 cartons. and they were damn high. -.- they were all so cam whoring that in the middle of the picture, the bench broke!! haah it was super funny. lmao. mm. sasha didn't even know i came down till much later. rawr. pfft. anyways, it was a damn close fight, but we lost to them by one point, which has NEVER happened before. good, considering tkgs is a really strong team where alot of national softballers come from. alot of funny pictures. later. the bus ride home took two effing hours. pissed the shit out of me. remind me never to go katong ever again. some idiot kept whining over practically nothing too. ass. gonna go eat now. chow time.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
well again i didn't go to school again. and this time, i wan't really too happy about it. i think i've come to realise that ponning does make me miss school after all. geez. sigh. later have to go for the bloody appointment thing. oh greatt. mum's bringing me. as if last night's blow up wasn't big enough.
yea yea go cry man. i'm getting very sick and tired of your antics already. man. buck the shit up. maybe if you open your eyes, you'll see that it's your attitude that makes kor not wanna talk to you, maybe it's you that daddy goes to thailand for business often. and don't come preach to me, nor find my support. i'm neutral okay, but you're starting to really piss me off by your "you are all against me, i'm so alone" woebegon speech. continue to do so, then stop the damn hell lamenting that we're closer to dad than we are to you, cos its friggin true. dad's like our friend we can relate too. hell, he even listens to some of our songs and makes an effort to do what we do. you? act like an emperess in the damn house, like we owe you a living.
you get pissed cos we don't listen to you, like you think we should. oh scrap that, all that comes out of your mouth is reproachful, like we must listen to you. dang. like take that DPA day for did nothing to help me while dad was helping me put the application together. you don't do nothing, you sit and shut your mouth. don't go on about i don't want you to take this course, i don't want you to take that course, i know cos i'm in the commercial world. man, you ain't got nothing productive to say, don't. cos it ain't much help. it's just ordering words, show me actions, like dad, maybe i'll listen're not used to me and kor being able to resist your ideals and stuff, i understand that. you're so used to being the motor mouth, spokeperson for our lives. well you know what, enough. we're big enough, we can form our own opinions. we know you ain't happy at losing your power, but, so be it. that's life man.get a grip and move on.
you keep harping on the past and you blame us for not making you happy? you cry and you whine, just like a little girl, you run to your brothers for coverage, from us monsters. we're so devilish we're out of control. but think, hello, why can me, kor, dad live so peacefully together huh? why can we get along well? why can't you? you always wanna try and break us and dad up, like you don't like us being close to him. man. what for? geez. i can't understand you sometimes, jealous over little minute things, coming up with the most ridiculous speculations over trivial stuff. please, reflect. we've tried accomadating you since your illness last year man. but each time we give an eel, you take an inch. you've squeezed us dry of all our compassion, care and love. the rest is really up to you. we tried to bridge the gap, but it's always you who is sinking it into the bottomless dark sea. we're trying to help, ourselves and you, but you're not even helping yourself. how do you expect us to? you're not entirely innocent in this, and you know that. you expect us to be at your beck and call when yuo come back from work, saying it's the least we can do. hello. we have school too. we have a life. we got our own work, own shit to do. must we serve you like an emperess?
now the dirty job of handling you like a child is left to dad, he has to be patient and accomodate you because me and kor have given up. you're okay sometimes but sometimes just really childish and annoying. dad does so much for you but you don't seem to ever be grateful, ever seem to appreciate it, you just take advantage and take and take, like you're a dictator. stop that, please. and stop putting daddy down man, at least he's trying. not like you're that indispensable anyways. i know that you have a "oh so depressive" condition, but maybe if you start to change your friggin' thinking about things, maybe you'll find that life isn't that hard after all.
i'm bloody hell gonna bring my earphones later and drown out the sound of your voice, the dreariness of this effing world.
yea yea go cry man. i'm getting very sick and tired of your antics already. man. buck the shit up. maybe if you open your eyes, you'll see that it's your attitude that makes kor not wanna talk to you, maybe it's you that daddy goes to thailand for business often. and don't come preach to me, nor find my support. i'm neutral okay, but you're starting to really piss me off by your "you are all against me, i'm so alone" woebegon speech. continue to do so, then stop the damn hell lamenting that we're closer to dad than we are to you, cos its friggin true. dad's like our friend we can relate too. hell, he even listens to some of our songs and makes an effort to do what we do. you? act like an emperess in the damn house, like we owe you a living.
you get pissed cos we don't listen to you, like you think we should. oh scrap that, all that comes out of your mouth is reproachful, like we must listen to you. dang. like take that DPA day for did nothing to help me while dad was helping me put the application together. you don't do nothing, you sit and shut your mouth. don't go on about i don't want you to take this course, i don't want you to take that course, i know cos i'm in the commercial world. man, you ain't got nothing productive to say, don't. cos it ain't much help. it's just ordering words, show me actions, like dad, maybe i'll listen're not used to me and kor being able to resist your ideals and stuff, i understand that. you're so used to being the motor mouth, spokeperson for our lives. well you know what, enough. we're big enough, we can form our own opinions. we know you ain't happy at losing your power, but, so be it. that's life man.get a grip and move on.
you keep harping on the past and you blame us for not making you happy? you cry and you whine, just like a little girl, you run to your brothers for coverage, from us monsters. we're so devilish we're out of control. but think, hello, why can me, kor, dad live so peacefully together huh? why can we get along well? why can't you? you always wanna try and break us and dad up, like you don't like us being close to him. man. what for? geez. i can't understand you sometimes, jealous over little minute things, coming up with the most ridiculous speculations over trivial stuff. please, reflect. we've tried accomadating you since your illness last year man. but each time we give an eel, you take an inch. you've squeezed us dry of all our compassion, care and love. the rest is really up to you. we tried to bridge the gap, but it's always you who is sinking it into the bottomless dark sea. we're trying to help, ourselves and you, but you're not even helping yourself. how do you expect us to? you're not entirely innocent in this, and you know that. you expect us to be at your beck and call when yuo come back from work, saying it's the least we can do. hello. we have school too. we have a life. we got our own work, own shit to do. must we serve you like an emperess?
now the dirty job of handling you like a child is left to dad, he has to be patient and accomodate you because me and kor have given up. you're okay sometimes but sometimes just really childish and annoying. dad does so much for you but you don't seem to ever be grateful, ever seem to appreciate it, you just take advantage and take and take, like you're a dictator. stop that, please. and stop putting daddy down man, at least he's trying. not like you're that indispensable anyways. i know that you have a "oh so depressive" condition, but maybe if you start to change your friggin' thinking about things, maybe you'll find that life isn't that hard after all.
i'm bloody hell gonna bring my earphones later and drown out the sound of your voice, the dreariness of this effing world.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
okay i'm back again. and now my mum is giving me an effing pep talk again, one of her bloody breakdown shit. and thanks, my brother and maid went to sleep, dad's away in thailand, so guess who has to take the rap?
argh geez. enough about her. more candid pictures taken today. i need to destress. i so need to go to the gym, lose weight, and punch the shitload out of me right now.
argh geez. enough about her. more candid pictures taken today. i need to destress. i so need to go to the gym, lose weight, and punch the shitload out of me right now.
finally bought my new wristbands after bowling today. whee.
and it's BLACK!
now i can go break properly!
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